Bryant has more than 20 years of Accounting and Finance experience with fifteen years focused on government contract accounting. Bryant currently serves as the Chief Accounting Officer for Core4ce. Previously, he served as the VP of Finance with ECS Federal, where he also led the company’s Risk & Mitigation department. Bryant was involved in transitioning the company from a privately-held to a publicly-traded company, including federal compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley 404. Prior to that, Bryant served as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for KSH, where he managed more than $365M in corporate revenues. Bryant is a graduate of the College of Charleston and holds baccalaureate degrees in Political Science, Accounting, and Business Administration with a concentrated minor in Economics. Bryant received his MBA and MS in Accounting from the University of Maryland. Bryant is also a member of the Charleston, SC CFO council and participated on Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) advisory council for small contractor outreach.