Our Strategy

A focused commitment to our customers, employees and community. Doing our part to build a sustainable environment for future generations.

  • Environmental
  • Governance
  • Social Responsibility


Our commitment to ESG principles is embedded in our corporate culture, and we recognize the vital role that ESG plays in not only minimizing risk but also in driving long-term business growth, resilience, and stakeholder trust. We understand that the future success of Core4ce hinges on our ability to operate sustainably, ethically, and in harmony with the communities and environments in which we operate.

As an IT services-based government contractor, operating in an increasingly interconnected and responsible world, we recognize that our success is not solely defined by financial metrics, but also by our impact on the environment, our relationships with stakeholders, and our ethical conduct. Through the development and implementation of the principles of ESG, Core4ce aims to enhance its reputation, foster stronger relationships with stakeholders, and contribute positively to the global community.

We hold ourselves accountable for our actions through the monitoring of our greenhouse gas emissions, and by investing in training of our employes. We seek to evolve our thinking through promoting a diversity of ideas and by providing a welcoming environment that our employees feel comfortable in sharing and learning. We encourage both our leadership and employees to passionately invest in our communities through donation of their time and resources that foster a betterment of our environment – physically, socially and economically.


As a small government services contractor, Core4ce operates under several significant limitations and constraints that may impact our ability to fully explore and execute the ESG initiatives laid out in our plan.

We do not own or operate our own facilities, which limits our control over energy usage and sustainability practices within our physical work environments.

Additionally, we cannot dictate when, where, or how our employees travel on behalf of our customers, which restricts our ability to manage and reduce travel-related carbon emissions.

Our resources and budgets are limited, presenting challenges in allocating sufficient funds and personnel to ESG efforts without compromising our operational efficiency.

Furthermore, maintaining competitiveness in a highly dynamic and cost-sensitive market necessitates a careful balance between ESG commitments and economic viability. Despite these constraints, Core4ce is committed to making meaningful progress in our ESG initiatives, striving to integrate sustainable and responsible practices into every aspect of our operations.



Core4ce’s commitment to environmental sustainability is driven by a clear and actionable set of goals designed to mitigate our impact on the environment and promote responsible resource management. Our goal-setting process is grounded in the principles of measurability, relevance, and alignment with global sustainability objectives.

Sustainability and Energy Conservation

Procurement: As a government contractor, we have incorporated ESG components into our existing Certified Purchasing System process for supply chain management. We conduct continuous enhancements to our supply chain labor practices to ensure alignment with our ethical and social responsibility standards. Core4ce is actively evaluating suppliers and products to prioritize sustainability and resource efficiency. We aim to procure materials, equipment, and services that align with our sustainability goals, emphasizing durability and reduced resource consumption. As an example, we partner with both Amazon and Microsoft for our Cloud services. In doing so, we recognize both companies as having world leading standards in climate change reduction programs and we as an organization also benefit from their leadership in climate reduction polices.

Circularity Environmental People & Regulation Climate
Focus our procurement goals on organizational values that:

– goods are durable, repairable, reusable and/or recyclable

– goods have been refurbished or existing goods are reused

– goods contain recycled content /recycled materials are used

– goods are recycled at the end of useful life

– goods are returned for resource recovery through a take-back or end of life scheme

– goods are available for lease, rent or product-as-a-service as an alternative to buying outright
Focus where we can align with vendors who are environmentally cognizant of their own environmental and social responsibilities and integrate the following criteria into their production and service operations:

optimize water efficiency

use safe and renewable inputs

safely use and dispose of chemicals

actively minimize the creation of waste and the amount that is sent to landfill
Focus our procurement efforts on vendors who:

demonstrate highest standards regarding adhering to laws and regulations

endorse and promote economic social and environmental practices within both their own organization as well as promoting the same values though the community

demonstrate knowledge of labor and human rights practice to ensure equality in wages and living standards
To the extent that we can within our industry constraints, minimize greenhouse gas emissions.

strive to optimize energy efficiency within industry constraints

– strive to work with partners and vendor who provide low emissions materials and services aligned to our industry

Facilities: All our facilities are leased and, generally, we have little influence over the landlord’s ESG intent. However, to the extent we can influence our landlords, to assist in areas of energy savings reductions through conversions to alternate energy solutions and utilizing energy saving systems and water saving technology such as low flow toilets within our facilities.To limit the use of bottled water we provide water coolers with jugs that are recycled and refilled. In 2024 our offices began to provide sets of dishes and coffee mugs in company kitchens rather than paper products for use by our employees.

Air Travel & Fuel Emissions: While we strive to balance economic concerns with environmental concerns, practicality necessitates our employees to travel to support our customers wherever the requirement takes them. In addition to air travel, many of our employees commute to either a Core4ce facility or a customer location to perform their work.

Waste Management:

Waste Minimization Programs. Core4ce is currently working with its facility service providers to improve upon waste management services provide. The improvement in waste collection and sorting of waste into various categories to ensure recyclable materials do not end up in landfills.

Recycling Initiatives. We have established recycling systems that cover a wide range of materials, including paper, cardboard, plastics, and electronic waste. Our recycling education programs help employees understand the importance of recycling and the proper disposal of recyclable materials.

Electronic Waste Management. Core4ce places a particular emphasis on electronic waste (e-waste) management. We partner with certified e-waste recyclers to ensure the safe and environmentally responsible disposal and recycling of electronic equipment and components. Working with our vendor partner, Dell Technologies for e-waste recycling, and provide in facility battery recycling stations to collect used batteries from computer peripherals, so they do not end up in normal office trash.

Cloud Services:
We partner with Amazon and Microsoft for our Cloud services. In doing so, we recognize both companies as having world leading standards in climate change reduction programs and we as an organization also benefit from their leadership through their climate reduction polices.


Core4ce has a robust governance structure, with a focus on ethical conduct and compliance. We benchmark favorably in this area against our peers, and we continue to emphasize the importance of strong governance principles. However, we recognize the need to ensure that our board composition and governance practices align with best-in-class standards, which is an ongoing area of improvement.


Core4ce prides itself on a strong governance structure that emphasizes ethical conduct and transparency. Our commitment to ethical practices is embedded in our organizational culture, evident through the existence of a comprehensive code of ethics, regular compliance training, and robust internal controls and policies.


Core4ce maintains a Board of Managers made up of the original company founders and has established an independent, outside Board of Advisors made up of industry experts. Additionally, Core4ce Sr. Management team is comprised of industry veterans that manage the day-day affairs of the organization and are accountable to the Board of Managers. Combined, these entities help to ensure governance decisions are made with the highest degree of independence and objectivity.

The alignment of budgetary and financial planning with ESG goals is subject to board oversight. Our board of directors actively reviews and approves budgets, ensuring that ESG initiatives are consistent with our strategic direction and financial objectives.

By aligning budgetary and financial planning with our ESG commitments, we ensure that resources are available to support our sustainability goals. This alignment reflects our dedication to responsible and sustainable business practices while enhancing our ability to create long-term value for stakeholders and society.


Core4ce recognizes that social sustainability is a vital component of our ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) commitment. Our goals in the realm of social sustainability are designed to enhance the well-being of our employees, foster diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), engage with communities, and contribute positively to society. Our goal-setting process is characterized by measurability, relevance, and alignment with global social sustainability objectives. Our initial assessment of social responsibility practices reveals that Core4ce is aligned with many industry peers when it comes to employee well-being and ethical governance. However, we have identified opportunities to further enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within our organization. Benchmarking against industry leaders in DEI showcases the importance of setting specific and measurable targets to achieve meaningful diversity representation in leadership roles.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

At Core4ce, we consider our employees to be our most important asset, and we are committed to promoting their welfare and fostering a workplace culture that embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Our initiatives in these areas reflect our dedication to creating a supportive and inclusive work environment where every employee can thrive and that every employee, regardless of their background, feels valued, respected, and included. Core4ce aims to enhance our diverse representation at all levels of the organization, including leadership roles. As part of our plan, Core4ce is implementing a Leadership Development training program in 2025. Part of this program’s intent is to ensure that our future leaders come from diverse backgrounds with unique viewpoints and are familiar with equity and inclusion objectives and how they benefit our organization and community. We are committed to creating an inclusive workplace where every employee feels valued and supported.

Affinity and Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

We have formed affinity and ERGs within the company. These groups provide employees with a platform to connect, share experiences, and collaborate on positive initiatives that will increase awareness of diverse thinking and drive inclusion of differing points of view.

Community Engagement

We actively engage with local communities to build strong relationships and understand their unique needs and challenges. Our engagement efforts include participating in community events, volunteering, and collaborating with local organizations. In assessing our community engagement and philanthropic efforts, we’ve found that while we have initiated activities, there is room for growth and impact expansion to create a positive influence in the communities where we operate.


Core4ce 2023 Baseline Emissions